Alabama Bylaws and Corporate Kits

Alabama State Legal Forms

Alabama Bylaws and Corporate Kit Package

Create your own Alabama corporate kit, share certificates, share ledger, initial corporate resolutions and other documents necessary for your Alabama corporation using our state-specific documents and save hundreds of dollars organizing your business.

Many corporations file the appropriate papers with their state but never go the additional step of taking all of the actions that are necessary to complete their corporate organization such as elect officers and directors, authorize bank accounts, make appropriate elections and otherwise internal organize. Corporations that do not take these additional steps take the risk that their corporate structure could be disregarded and their personal assets exposed through their business activities. Our package is a perfect solution for those who have incorporated but need to complete their corporate organization.

If you have already incorporated your business you can still complete the documentary organization of your corporation using our Bylaws and Corporate Kit Package. This package includes complete full-length Bylaws, pre-incorporation agreements, formation resolutions, election of officers and directors, printable share certificates and stock ledgers. Our Corporate Kit and Bylaws Package permits you to complete your corporate organization using our step by step guide and links to external resources.

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Contents of Alabama Corporate Kit and Bylaws Package

Corporate Bylaws Form w/ Automatic Merge Template

Printable Share Certificate Template w/ Share Register

Initial Corporate Resolutions

Access To Tax Election Forms and EIN Number Forms

All Other Organizational Documents

700 Document Corporate and Business Form Library

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