False Claims Act – Lincolns Law and the Health Care Compliance Industry

Federal False Claims Act – Lincoln’s Law Applied to Health Care

When Congress originally passed the False Claims Act (31 USC §§ 3729-3733), no one had the health care system in mind.  The False Claims Act was also commonly referred to as the “Lincoln Law”.  The original law was focused on unscrupulous vendors who provided overpriced and often faulty supplies to the military during the Civil War.  In modern times, the False Claims Act has been commonly applied when claims are made under Federal health care programs.  The application of the law that ware originally intended to penalize war profiteers leads to draconian results when applied to the health care industry where numerous smaller claims are made by a provider every day.  However, because this law has become a significant source of revenue for the Federal government, we are not likely to see any politicians running to adjust the law to make it consistent with the realities of the modern health care system.

The Lincoln Law was unique in several ways.  The law created “qui tam” rights that permit individuals to bring suit alleging false claims and to retain a portion of the award.  The amount of potential award available to a qui tam claimant depends on whether the government chooses to take over the case after it is brought.  With Federal remedies of nearly $22,000 per claim, potential claimants have a real chance for a payday.  In fact, private litigants are often even more inflexible than the Federal government when it comes to settling a potential fraud claim.

The False Claims Act was strengthened in 1986 in response to some of the much publicized $1,000 toilet seats and other abuses with respect to companies supplying the United States military.  The 1986 amendments to the False Claims Act provided for treble damages plus civil penalties of between $5,000 and $11,000 per claim.  These legislative changes were intended to add real incentive for “qui tam” litigants to bring fraud claims.  Just a few months ago the per claim penalty under the False Claims Act was increased to a minimum of $11,000 and a maximum of nearly $22,000.

The health care industry was never the real target of the False Claims Act.  In fact, when the original “Lincoln Law” was passed in the 1860’s, there was no federal health care program in existence.  From the inception of the False Claims Act through the 1986 amendments, the primary target had been the suppliers to the defense industry.  The defense industry generally makes claims on a monthly or other periodic basis for large amounts of supplies.  Although the 1986 amendments added substantial penalties for making false claims, the impact on the defense industry does not come close to matching the impact on health care providers.

In health care, a single hospital may make hundreds of claims to the federal government per day.  False claim allegations can cover a number of years, greatly increasing the number and value of claims that may be at issue.  When treble damages plus $11,000 to $22,000 per claim are applied on top of the actual amount of a “fraudulent” claim, the obligation amount can become staggering.

When coupled with new regulations that impute False Claims Act liability based on the failure to repay an overpayment, the result can be really quite absurd and greatly disproportionate to the level of culpability involved.   For example, a simple overpayment created by a routine billing error that is not properly identified can result in potential False Claims Act liability in the millions of dollars.  Under new Federal law, failure to repay a known overpayment within 60 days creates a False Claim.  However, actual knowledge is not required.  Identification of the overpayment can be imputed if the provider should have discovered the overpayment.

Even though the False Claims Act was not originally designed to target the health care industry, there does not seem to be any momentum toward mitigating these extreme results.  To the contrary, the government is quite content to leave these disproportionate penalties in place as part of its effort to reduce cost of health care (and to generate additional revenues) by assessing astronomical fines against health care providers and to hold these penalties over their heads to force health care providers to take extreme actions to prevent compliance problems.  The government is taking a “return on investment” approach to health care fraud enforcement.  The False Claims Act allows the government to put its thumb on the scale in the “return on investment” game.  The qui tam provisions provide the government with “quasi agents” who may be disgruntled employees or others who can scout out potential claims, bring them to the governments attention, and take a piece of the financial reward.

Providers have only one real way to reduce the disproportionate impact of the False Claims Act on their operations.  This is to create an effective compliance program that proactively detects problems so they can be addressed and corrected before they create excessive risk.  Compliance programs are an outgrowth of the federal sentencing guidelines that permit reduced corporate penalties for fraud if an “effective” compliance program will actually reduce the risk of a violation occurring or depending because it forces the organization to proactively look for compliance problems and correct them before they become insurmountable.  An effective compliance program will also include regular training to staff which also reduces the risk of compliance problems.

Compliance Policy and Procedures List of Compliance Policies



  1. Compliance Program Resolutions
  2. Appointment Of Compliance Officer
  3. Compliance Plan Document – General
  4. Code Of Conduct
  5. Statement Of CEO On Compliance
  6. Statement Of Board Of Directors
  7. Compliance Committee Charter
  8. Uniform Compliance Definitions
  9. Compliance Plan Elements
  10. Compliance Oversight Committee Policy
  11. Compliance Office Staff
  12. Yearly Compliance Program Review
  13. Recommendation Of Additional Policies And Procedures
  14. Amendments To Compliance Policies
  15. Non-Retaliation And Non-Retribution Policy
  16. Excluded Individuals And Entities
  17. Compliance Reporting System
  18. Compliance Hotline
  19. Compliance Training Policy
  20. Compliance Reporting To The Board
  21. Discipline For Compliance Infractions
  22. Compliance As A Performance Factor
  23. External Compliance Investigations
  24. Execution Of Search Warrants
  25. Self-Disclosure And Self-Reporting
  26. Compliance Audits, Monitoring And Self-Assessment



Tax – Nonprofit Status

  1. Conflict of Interest Policy
  2. Whistleblower Policy
  3. Board Review of 990 Policy
  4. Joint Venture Policy
  5. Community Need Assessments
  6. Physician Recruitment

Document Control

  1. Contract Review and Execution Policy
  2. Contract Control System Policy
  3. Document Retention Policy
  4. Record Management Policy
  5. Offsite Storage of Records
  6. Destruction of Records
  7. Definition of Medical Records

Discharge and Transfer

  1. Discharge Planning
  2. Transfer to Skilled Nursing Facility
  3. Transfer to Hospice


  1. Admission and Continued Stay Review
  2. Readmission Policy
  3. Admissions Through Emergency Room
  4. Plans of Care

Billing and Coding

  1. General Billing and Coding Policy
  2. Requests for Coding Changes and Rebilling
  3. Changes to Patient Records
  4. New and Adjusted Billing Codes
  5. Chargemaster
  6. E&M Coding
  7. Specific Area Coding
    • Anesthesia
    • Radiology
  8. Professional Courtesy

Patient Billing and Collections

  1. Patient Billing and Collection Policies/Guidelines
  2. Billing Inquiries and Audits
  3. Reducing a Patient’s Bill
  4. Waiver of Co-Insurance and Deductibles
  5. Determination of Need and Hardship
  6. Referrals to Collections
  7. Advance Beneficiary Notices
  8. Customer Complaints

Additional Policies

  1. Medical Necessity
  2. Professional Behavior
  3. Disruptive Practitioners
  4. Incident Reporting
  5. Alleged Caregiver Misconduct
  6. Caregiver Background Checks
  7. Never Events
  8. Physician Compensation
  9. Physician Contracting
  10. Medical Directorships
  11. Leases to Referral Sources
  12. Anti-Kickback Policies
  13. Stark Law Policies
  14. Relationship with Pharmaceutical Representatives
  15. Acceptance of Gifts
  16. Confidentiality of Information

EMTALA Policies

  1. Interfacility Transfers
  2. EMTALA Triaging
  3. EMTALA – Financial Information
  4. Refusal of Delay of Medical Services
  5. Emergency Room Coverage
  6. Delineation of Roles in Emergency Department
  7. Emergency Room Trauma Diversion

Employment Policies

  1. Make Consistent with Compliance

Credentialing Policies


Medical Information, HIPAA, Etc.

  1. Protection of Patient Health Information
  2. Joint Notice of Privacy Practices
  3. De-Identification of Protected Health Information
  4. Protected Health Information Defined
  5. Proposal and Destruction of Protected Health Information
  6. Breach Reporting Policies
  7. Minimum Necessary Use Policy
  8. Permitted and Required Use of Protected Health Information
  9. Use and Disclosure of Protected Health Information for Treatment, Payment, Operations
  10. Use and Disclosure of Protected Health Information to Family and Others Involved in Care
  11. Authorizations for Use and Disclosure with Forms
  12. Uses and Disclosures Not Requiring Authorization
  13. Uses and Disclosures for Fundraising
  14. Uses and Disclosures for Marketing
  15. Uses and Disclosures for Research Purposes
  16. Recognition of Patient Personal Representatives
  17. Business Associates
  18. Verifying Identity of Persons Requesting Protected Health Information
  19. Patient Right to Access Protected Health Information
  20. Denial of Patient Access to Protected Health Information
  21. Patient Right to Accounting of Protected Health Information Disclosures
  22. Patient Right to Request Designated Record Set
  23. Patient Right to Request Alternative Means of Communication
  24. Patient Right to Request Restrictions on Use of Protected Health Information
  25. Protection of Information Subject to FDA Regulation
  26. Protection of Information Subject to AIDS Related Information
  27. Protection of Mental Health Treatment Records
  28. Psychotherapy Notes
  29. Government Requests, Court Orders, Warrants Covering Protected Health Information

Telemedicine Policies

  1. Provider Licensure and Credentialing
  2. Remote Access Policies
  3. Security Policies
  4. Telehealth Policies and Procedures
  5. Telecommuting Application
  6. Telecommuting Agreement
  7. Telecommuting Equipment
  8. Scheduling Telemedicine Services
  9. Emergency Room Consults
  10. Billing Telemedicine Service
  11. Checklists for Providing Telehealth Services

Technology Policies

  1. Passwords, Domains, Local Servers
  2. Individual Password Protection
  3. Information Security Policies
  4. Information Security Incident Process
  5. Encryption Policies
  6. Physician Access and Restriction Policies
  7. Technology Life Cycle Review Policies
  8. Technology Disposal Policies
  9. Wireless Communication Policy
  10. Technology Inventory System
  11. Acceptable Use of Computer Equipment
  12. Internet Usage Policies
  13. Workstation Security
  14. Use of Portable Devices
  15. E-mail Usage Policies
  16. Blogging Policies
  17. Social Media Policies
  18. Firewall Policy
  19. Virus Protection Policy
  20. Vendor Credentialing and Access
  21. Software Licensing Policies
  22. Providing Technology to Referral Sources